Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 21 Ft Davis, TX. Rest Day

Day 21 Ft Davis, TX Rest Day

Oh, my! We were ready for a rest day! We were in bed at 9:00 last night and arose at 8:15 this morning. Most people went into town at 9am to do laundry; we decided we did not need to be that clean and opted for laundry in the tub and stringing it out to dry on benches, trees, improvised clothes lines, etc. We enjoyed a wonderful breakfast of pancakes and eggs. Our water bottles have been cleaned and sanitized. Our bikes have been cleaned and lubed.

I talked to my sister for half an hour. She sounded amazingly good. Her voice was strong and animated. Her sense of humor shone through. The physical therapist was encouraging about her readiness for recovery.

Yesterday was a rough day with a record six flat tires. Katherine had two - one at a SAG stop and the other one as she arrived at the lodge. She does have good timing. The tire shards ( pictured) that are left on the road shoulders are the culprits. They have exposed strips of steel that become embedded in our tires, eventually working their way through to puncture the inner tubes. We try to check our tires every night and pull them out with tweezers before the damage is done, but of course we do not always succeed. Flat tires are never fun but we have several women who are willing to help change them. We appreciate it so much.


  1. Glad you had a rest day! and glad to hear Elaine is doing well after surgery. Continuing to keep you all in my prayers.

  2. It sounds like you wrung the absolute most out of that rest day. So nice that you got to chat with your sister.

    That steel wire looks worse than any of the "critters" that live in that part of the country.

  3. 'ello, dearie!
    Hey, Marge et al....
    What a wild few days! Typical of you to see it through with humor, warmth, steadfastness....
    You, Elaine and the family are ever-present in my thoughts and prayers.
    Been a really great week and home going great!! :)
    Rest fully, stay hydrated, and pedal-n-pray!

    Always -

