Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 19 Fort Hancock to VanHorn, TX

We are in West Texas, for sure. This photo was from yesterday where we saw some agriculture. Today I rode alone and never stopped to take a photo. Believe me, this is barren land. Not even any agriculture today. Except for the mountains in the distance, it reminds me of Lubbock where I lived for five years - John's birthplace. I even saw several fighter planes overhead. I saw mostly flat land with scrubby brush. An amazing amount of nothing. I had a perfect tailwind that blew me along and allowed me to focus on my dear sister. The route took me for many miles on the Frontage Road next to I-10. I rode for 14 miles before anyone passed me in either direction
Physically, I feel good. I am definitely much stronger. However, I would not say I look so great. My eyes are ringed in white from sunglasses, my nose is red and my right ear has peeled too many times to count. I have a variety of scratches from unplanned encounters with my bike. The skin on my arms and legs is parched. My hair is a fright. I have not worn make-up in three weeks and do not care. Oy!
The re-entry may be difficult.

1 comment:

  1. I was sorry to hear about your sister, I don't know that there is a good time or place to deal with those feelings, but I have found that the vast wasteland that is west TX is good for exploring emotions.

    And I am envying your travels along the frontage roads - the last time I drove that way I was thinking what a great bike path they would be.
