Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day 30 Kerrville to Blanco, TX

The Second Half

As we headed into the second half of our trip, it became apparent that we were headed into the Southeast and away from the Southwest. The sky was overcast all morning. For the first time, sweat became an issue. My skin felt clammy in the morning; I was dripping wet all afternoon. My clothes still dried fairly quickly outdoors, fortunately. The hills of the Hill Country were more manageable, less steep with nice downhills. If it weren't for the chip seal...well, I have nothing new to say on that topic.

One of the delights of this trip is meeting wonderful people. Today we encountered a troop of
Girl Scouts having lunch at a general store. Katherine told them about our trip. One of the leaders pulled out an iPad and found a US map to show them our route. One girl asked if we ever sleep. We took a photo of all of us making the Girl Scout sign, including Katherine and me, both being former Girl Scouts. From the photo, you may notice that we could all work on making that sign. And speaking of wonderful people, two of our former guides pulled in this afternoon, en route to San Antonio for the one week Hill Country trip. We were thrilled to see Michelle from Moab and Lynne from Pennsylvania Dutch Country and to have a chance to thank them for their encouragement and advice.

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